Ana Guide | 5 Tips to DOMINATE as ANA in Overwatch 2 RANKED

Описание к видео Ana Guide | 5 Tips to DOMINATE as ANA in Overwatch 2 RANKED

It has been quite a while since the last Ana guide was released on the channel. Throughout time, especially throughout Overwatch 2, Ana has received a decent amount of changes. With one less tank, her grenade is definitely harder to get consistent value that your team can follow up upon consistently. At the same time however, she also has more opportunities to carry in each ranked game even harder now that she needs to deal with one less. Here are 5 Tips to DOMINATE as Ana in Ranked!
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Chapter Markers
Intro - 0:00
Tip 1: Tempo - 0:25
Tip 2: Anti Grenade - 1:56
Tip 3: Biotic Rifle - 3:56
Tip 4: Sleep Dart - 5:22
Tip 5: Nano Boost - 6:30
Takeaways - 8:30
Check out the Unranked to GM! - 9:08
Outro - 9:18
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