& ‪@solepf‬

Country: Spain
Province: Granada
Total distance walked: 20 km
Nights stay: 1
Going duration: 5 hours
Return duration: 2:30 hours

In September 2022 we left home to drive to Alpujarras in Granada province, south of Spain. Where you can be surrounded by the highest peaks of Iberian peninsula. Once in the town of Trevélez we started hiking up.
- First stop is Mirador de Trevélez, nice altitude and a lot of effort to reach this point. From there we keep walking until a nice pine trees forrest, all the way walking with a considerable ascent. After walking for half an hour through the forest, we finally reach La Campiñuela shelter.
- Second stop La Campiñuela shelter. Stone construction with wooden roof. In a corner you can find a makeshift fireplace. There we ate a sandwich and continue walking.
- Third stop small break in Río Culo de Perro. During the walk you cross different water springs. It is time to fill up the bottles. From there the walk gets really steep. It is time to climb Chorreras Negras waterfall. There is an steep but easy path to hike all the way. With our heavy bags it took us quite a time.
- Reach the destination Laguna Hondera. After a very strenuous walk, 4 mountains hiked, we reach Laguna Hondera, is the first lagoon and the easy access to the highest peak in Peninsula Ibérica: Mulhacen 3479 m, and second highest mountain in Spain behind Teide 3718 m. First picture is the water mirror and Mulhacen behind, the whole view is spectacular. Our legs are tired, but we want to explore and take a walk all around the lagoon. Beautiful green pastures are flooded, so we have to be careful. After a while we decide to set our tent in the southwest face with Mulhacen summit in our left. Important: we did not see a single person. We were completely alone during the walk and at Lagunas.

Wild Camping
- For first in our lives we set the tent an hour before sunset falls. We prepare coffee, rest, Sol practice some yoga and stretching. We had a sweet snack, and walk again filming and collecting water for cooking. During sunset the temperatures drop sharply. We wait the night in inside the tent reading Life and Miracles of Santo Domingo de Silos. The smaller book I found a home to bring to this trip. The story is quite interesting. Before is completely dark and cold we cook easy pasta bag. And we prepare to sleep. We can feel the temperature drop. In the middle of the night I wake up cold, probably my sleeping bag is not as good as Sol. Wind blows and make a lot of noise shaking the tent. We wear ear plugs and we manage to sleep 4-5 hours. Before the sunrise we are ready to make coffee and eat breakfast. The plan is to tidy up and walk back since is a long walk. The sunrise is wonderful, colorful and the sun emerges carefully from the horizon that is this line where you can find the fall to the waterfall.

Hike back
The walk back has to be carefully since the descend can be dangerous through mountain hauls and slippery stones. The views with the first sun are stunning, we even change plans, and take a different path down the river, at some point we lose any known path, but as we know the terrain we can connect a bit later with the original path. Always following rivers we know. We passed a cowboy with some dogs, then before refugio we ran into a lot of cows grazing. Once at Refugio Shelter La Campiñuela we prepare coffee before the last leg of descent. We tent to run but as we carry big bags we try to not to. Two hours later we are in Trevélez, the enchanting town and main door to impressive hikes. Before driving home we take a sit in Bar La Fragua, we order bocadillos de Jamón Serrano and cola. Only Cheese for Sol. We eat surrounded by bees and wasps and we get super ready to drive home. After 2 hours driving we get home super tired but insanely happy.

Thanks for joining our adventure, we look forward to share the next one with you :)

0:00 Hike to 7 Lagunas (Laguna Hondera) 20K
03:42 Overlook Mirador de Trevélez
06:35 Shelter Refugio La Campiñuela
09:32 River Río Culo de Perro
10:40 Waterfall Cascada Culo de Perro
11:35 Lagoon Laguna Hondera
14:19 Tent Wild Camping
14:35 What Am I reading
21:48 Way back through waterfalls and steep hillsides

Music from Uppbeat (free for Creators!):
License code: AXOBHY2CICSK2YXL


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