પ્રેમ છે કે શારીરિક આકષઁણ ? - Paras Pandhi | Seminar 2023 | પારસ પાંધી |

Описание к видео પ્રેમ છે કે શારીરિક આકષઁણ ? - Paras Pandhi | Seminar 2023 | પારસ પાંધી |

Contact for association with Paras Pandhi : 9909919894

Special Thanks to Mr.Hardik Mangroliya ((Founder of Simba Institute), Rinkal Mangroliya And Simba Institute All Team - Surat

Paras Pandhi organizes three types of events that are Lokdayaro, Seminar, and One-day Seminar.

The Lokdayaro is the most significant part of Gujarati culture, which comprises our traditional and domestic talks that encourage our rituals. Paras Pandhi’s expertise is in Lokdayaro as he has detail and deep knowledge of our long lasting rich heritage culture and its history. Dayaro is one of the most lovable event for people as they get to know about our history written by our historic saints , heroes and literates of our country which he delivers in a very profound manner..

Paras Pandhi inculcates valuable insights in motivational programs , as he presents such stories in a profound way that the new generation can easily understand and cultivate the feeling of learning new values because today’s youth can easily imitate the experiences of prosperous and happy people in the world . The Pro forma of the motivation program is comprised accordingly.

The One Day Seminar -
This session plays a huge role in changing one’s life .
Our speaker Paras Pandhi has a great dedicated team to organize these events .

Only when the youth becomes rich in thoughts, it can impart betterment towards themself , family, as well as to the nation.
This website will help you for more information

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