There is Moisture Trapped Inside my Vapour Barrier!

Описание к видео There is Moisture Trapped Inside my Vapour Barrier!

I calculate how much moisture is trapped inside the vapour barrier when you insulate your van.
There is always some moisture present in the air depending on the conditions, this is referred to as the Relative Humidity and is expressed as a percentage.

For a given temperature and relative humidity, we can determine how much moisture is present by referring to a Psychrometric chart. Using this figure and the volume of the van walls we can easily calculate exactly how much moisture was trapped inside my vapour barrier.

From the results, you can see that less than 5ml of water would have been trapped in the walls of the van, not even enough to fill a teaspoon, so it really is nothing to be concerned about.
Even in winter when the relative humidity is 100% the actual moisture content is much less because cold air cannot hold as much water.

There are lots of comments and opinions on the internet regarding the use of vapour barriers but nobody backs up their thoughts with hard facts, evidence or any proof. I can prove that they work and back this up with science and facts. Watch this video too    • Vapour Barrier in a Van - I can Prove...  

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If you have any further questions please ask me in the comments section below.
Thank you very much for watching.
Best wishes
Greg Virgoe


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