All about Ovals: Diamonds 101 Series

Описание к видео All about Ovals: Diamonds 101 Series

Here we talk about Oval diamonds which according to our metrics was the most popular diamond shape of 2020 and looks to be the leader so far in 2021; once thought of as old fashion this shape has been trending up over the past decade and we see it continuing for the foreseeable future. What is the major draw of the oval diamond and why is it so popular? The answer is pretty simple and it all comes down to finger coverage and its delicate appearance.
In this video we break down the following topics as it relates specifically to oval diamonds
Cut: take note of the overall shape/outline of the stone as well as its measurements. At Lauren B we aim for oval diamonds that appear larger than their carat weight would suggest
Ratios: This is a matter of preference but we have seen a strong shift towards ovals that have higher length to width ratios anywhere from 1.4:1 to 1.55:1 or even higher.
Color: oval diamonds tend to show more color than other shapes so their is an emphasis on color
Clarity: Oval diamonds are more forgiving when it comes to clarity due to its brilliant style faceting which can mask inclusions.
Bowtie: Almost all oval diamonds will have some degree of bow tie and is something that you can overlook to a certain degree
Comparison VS other shapes: quick comparison verses other popular shapes of pear, round and cushion ending with a diamond vs moissanite comparison

Lauren B Jewelry: custom engagement rings, diamonds, moissanites and fine jewelry.
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