Opening Campagnolo | Season 1 | Episode 7 | Word Of Mouthfuls | Craig Harding | Francis Mitchell

Описание к видео Opening Campagnolo | Season 1 | Episode 7 | Word Of Mouthfuls | Craig Harding | Francis Mitchell

Watch Opening Campagnolo Season 1 Episode 7 Word Of Mouthfuls on Breakthrough Entertainment

Campagnolo has only been open for a month and yet Craig's home cooked Italian/Med food and warm dining room has started to build a buzz around Toronto. Blogs and twitter have been generating praise leading up to his first fully booked Saturday. It’s a big moment and Craig knows how important this night is for word of mouth. Craig and his team start cooking away but the orders begin to pile up and confusion sets in. To make matters worse they run out of some food and the kitchen is thrown into chaos. They somehow get through it but Craig realizes that he need to get things tightened up. Soon all the major publications will be writing reviews and if he gets a bad one it could ruin his restaurant.

Chef: Craig Harding
Producer: Francis Mitchell, David Mitchell
Diriector: Francis Mitchell #OpeningCampagnolo #CraigHarding #BreakthroughEntertainment


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