From Straight to Spiral: Design a Curved Spring in Inventor

Описание к видео From Straight to Spiral: Design a Curved Spring in Inventor

Uncoil your creativity!
In this video, we'll learn how to model a curved spring in Autodesk Inventor. By following along, you'll learn the basics of modeling in Autodesk Inventor and create a realistic curved spring that you can use in your designs.

If you're a designer or engineer and want to learn how to model curved surfaces in Autodesk Inventor, then this video is for you! By the end of this video, you'll have learned how to create a realistic curved spring in Autodesk Inventor, and you'll be able to use it in your designs!
I use two surface sweeps to create a three-dimensional path for the solid sweep of the curved spring. I modeled this in Autodesk Inventor
3D-model here:


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