How to insert Table of Contents in Word (Step by Step) | Microsoft Word Tutorial: Table of content

Описание к видео How to insert Table of Contents in Word (Step by Step) | Microsoft Word Tutorial: Table of content

This Microsoft Word tutorial on #Tableofcontent Word, I will show you steps by step method on how to insert a table of contents in Microsoft Word. By using this method you will be able to insert table of contents in word automatically. No need to manually update it. You can add a table of contents automatically and it can be updated automatically by just one click.

There are many places like, Word report, scientific manuscript, Thesis, Dissertation, magazines etc. where you need to insert a table of content in Microsoft Word document. In this video I will show you the most efficient way to create a table of contents in Microsoft word. Here you will learn how to insert dots in the table of content in Ms Word.


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