Rice Fertilizer Plan | Rice Production Technology | Fertilizer Application || Apna Kisan Pakistan

Описание к видео Rice Fertilizer Plan | Rice Production Technology | Fertilizer Application || Apna Kisan Pakistan

In this video, we will talk about the complete fertilizer plan for paddy. Which fertilizer at what time in what quantity and which spray when and how to do it.
First of all, it is necessary to use half a bag of DAP, half a bag of SOP and two to four kg of sulfur in the preparation of the land.
After that, seven days after transplanting of paddy, the first batch of urea should be applied, in which the amount of urea can be half to one bag as per requirement.
And after that the second phase should be used inside paddy in which urea or nitrophos can be used according to need and zinc can also be used along with it and here you must also use granular and Zinc should not be used with phosphorus fertilizers.
And after that, the third installment of urea should be used in the paddy crop, which is usually 10 to seven days after the second installment, and at that time, if you have not used granular before, then you must do it at that time. Zinc etc. or sulfur etc. should also be used as per requirement. If zinc is to be used then never use sulfur along with it.
After this, the last and fourth installment of urea should be applied 30 to 35 times on the 40-day crop, which can be applied as per requirement.
To get rid of stem blight in paddy crop, you should apply granular poison twice. First granular poison can be applied on 20 days of crop and second granular poison can be applied on 40 days of crop.
Whatever urea and fertilizer you have to use in the paddy crop, you should and should try to complete it in at least 30 to 35 to 40 days, after which you should apply any type of fertilizer. Do not use.
After that, when the crop is 50 days old, you should definitely spray the protective fungicide to protect your crop from fungal diseases.
After that, when your crop is in the state of sprouting and the fruits are about to come out, then you can also use potash etc. in it. If you have not used potash before, you can use 10 to 15 kg of potash from your feed system at this time.
If you have used potash before, you can certainly use both potash and boron at this time through sprays etc.
After the age of the crop is 70 to 80 days, you can use potash again in it, if not done before, if you have done it before in the flood system, you can also use potash here again through spray. are
And at that time you should use lamida etc. or any other poison to kill insects etc.
After that, in the state of gob, you can also use Far Sforsi fertilizer here.
And with this you can increase your productivity.
Apart from this, multi-nutrients or amino acids or NPK etc. can also be sprayed as needed at different stages of the crop.
The fertilizer plan that will be explained in today's video can be changed by you according to your own calculations and by understanding the nature of your land and crop. This fertilizer plan is not a final and final fertilizer plan. etc. which can be done.

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