Xicoy Telemetry turbine to Graupner Hott

Описание к видео Xicoy Telemetry turbine to Graupner Hott

Test of Xicoy Electrónica telemetry adapter 2.0 with Graupner Hott and Kingtech K100.
Hott setup (only in V2 models):

This adapter emulates the “General Air Module” (GAM). Due at that the HoTT system
only allow one module of each type present in the system, this mean that only one
adapter can be connected, not allowing multiengine operation, nor a genuine GAM
installed on the system
at same time as the Xicoy adapter. The radio should use the
latest HoTT V4 firmware.
Measures are displayed on the GAM module screen.
Battery1: Ecu battery voltage
Battery2: Pump voltage
Temperature1: Exhaust temperature. Maximum temperature displayed by HoTT
system is 250ºC, so the temperature of the exhaust is presented divided by 10, a
reading of 40 mean 400ºC.
Temperature 2: Throttle (0-100%)
Fuel: Hott Gauge
RPM: Bottom/Right side


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