Trauma Center Second Opinion 3-6 XS in 1'00"100 [TAS]

Описание к видео Trauma Center Second Opinion 3-6 XS in 1'00"100 [TAS]

This is a tool-assisted speedrun (TAS). This means input was recorded for each individual frame with assistance of external tools such as save states.

In this video, I clear TCSO's 3-6 operation as fast as possible while obtaining an XS rank. Everyone's favorite, THE BOMB. This was really fun to TAS, making the emulator behave like I wanted was quite the adventure.

The screws are easy, just rotate 180 degrees for a screw then rotate back for its pair. The pins are also easy, just pull the pins for 2 or 3 frames then put them back in the right spot. The panels are the fun part.

You need to laser a panel for 7 frames to kill it, and your laser will go out after destroying one, to prevent accidental misses. This means you need to repress laser for every panel, meaning you will waste one frame letting go of the laser button per panel. After a while your laser might run out, the idea is to prevent that and slow down with panels burning. If you've been destroying optimally, it shouldn't take long for things to rotate in place while your laser cools down a bit.

The last part is very simple, just don't touch the red stuff. There isn't much that can go wrong with this since score is pretty much set, so it's an easy XS in TAS.

If you're wondering why it seems like I'm waiting at times, it's because of in-op dialogue that prevents you from performing inputs until it scrolls by, forcing me to wait a bit to start moving again.

At the end, you can skip the post-op dialogue by choosing to return to episode select. You can also skip regular text by pressing the - button.

Total number of frames: 3606
Game runs at 60fps, operation time: 1'00"100

(We start counting frames on the first frame the phrase "Begin Operation" appears on screen, and we stop counting on the first frame the phrase "Operation Success" appears)


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