POV: You Haven't Cleaned your Shotgun in 100 Years

Описание к видео POV: You Haven't Cleaned your Shotgun in 100 Years

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Adam Morris' Instagram: @adam_morris0121

Here I tried to rescue two badly messed up mod. 1897 Winchester pump action shotguns, made somewhere between 1900 and 1903, over 120 years old. They look rough, but they are way worse than they look. However, I've got a new powerful ally in reversing the effect of time (and maniacs) on gun parts. Will I manage to get them to shoot again?

A special thanks goes to Michelangelo Neri Orliani for helping in the making of this project

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00:00 Disassembly
04:50 De-rusting
07:07 Receiver disassembly
10:50 Broken breech bolt
12:05 Re-assorting parts
13:00 Cleaning gunk
14:10 Removing nickel plating
16:04 Headspace
18:12 Micro welding
21:00 Ejector spring making
22:50 Welding cracks shut
23:30 Finishing
25:30 Results
25:54 Testing


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