Experts in Pink: Your Guide to Breast Health

Описание к видео Experts in Pink: Your Guide to Breast Health

Experts in Pink: Your Guide to Breast Health is the third installment on the topic of breast cancer from Cindy Papale-Hammontree and Sabrina Hernandez-Cano, RD, NC, CDE. Following the success of their popular releases The Empty Cup Runneth Over (2007) and Miami Breast Cancer Experts (2015), the co-authors expanded upon an invaluable foundation of knowledge that breast cancer patients and their caregivers need to navigate their way through this complex and difficult disease. New chapters of the book inform readers about the impact of breast cancer treatment on often overlooked functions of the body like cardiac and dental health, in addition to exploring the healing benefits of Yoga and participation in music and singing. If you are dealing with breast cancer or care for a breast cancer patient, Experts In Pink is your indispensable ally through diagnosis, treatment, and recovery. Experts In Pink has received critical acclaim from prominent reviewers like Mariel Hemingway, who enthuses, “It’s so important to be informed as a woman. Cindy and Sabrina provide a compassionate and detailed look into the impact and most importantly the solutions to empowering yourself when dealing with Breast Cancer. Thank you ladies!“


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