'We Can Cure HIV' - A Conversation with Emory University's ERASE HIV Cure Research Scientists

Описание к видео 'We Can Cure HIV' - A Conversation with Emory University's ERASE HIV Cure Research Scientists

Advancements in HIV Cure Research

Parie Bhandari, the community engagement coordinator for ERASE HIV and a member of SisterLove, introduces an informative session concerning HIV cure research. Researchers Dr. Mirko Pairdini and Dr. Deanna Culpa discuss the importance of non-human primate research in advancing HIV cure studies, including the use of interventions like venetoclax and antibody blockade.

They detail the methodologies, outcomes, and future directions of their research, emphasizing both the promising results and the challenges associated with moving toward human trials. The session also covered the community's concerns about safety, efficacy, and the potential implications for human treatment availability, particularly addressing the complexities of the immune system's response to HIV. Q&A sessions throughout the event allowed for engagement and clarification on vital aspects of the research.

00:00 Welcome and Introduction to Erase HIV
00:30 Overview of HIV Cure Research and Non-Human Primate Studies
02:30 Deep Dive into Non-Human Primate Research for HIV Cure
02:56 Exploring the Challenges and Potential of Antiretroviral Therapy
08:22 The Role of Non-Human Primates in HIV Research
12:30 Addressing Questions and Concerns about the Research
28:31 Challenges and Costs of Long-Term Antiretroviral Therapy in Animal Models
29:15 Early Results: Reducing the HIV Reservoir with Venetoclax
30:27 Sustained Reduction and Future Directions
31:35 Understanding the Complex Mechanisms of HIV Persistence
35:00 Exciting Outcomes from Immune System Targeting Antibodies
38:59 Addressing Toxicity and Safety Concerns
45:36 Exploring Further: Questions and Community Engagement


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