Blue Cornflower Magical Properties

Описание к видео Blue Cornflower Magical Properties

CORNFLOWER – also known as hurtsickle, blue bottle, blue cap, and devil’s flower. It is associated with matters of sight and is said to help open up the third eye as well as bestowing the gift of seeing the Fae (witchcraft in origin.) For protection against evil spirits and to alleviate arguments between lovers. Keep for peace in the home.

Cornflower has traditionally been used as a magical ingredient. It is said to improve psychic skills, fertility, love, sex, and abundance, among other things. The dried flower is carried in sachets or amulets to attract partners, and the flowers are used to decorate alters. When hunting for a new lover, one entry suggests sprinkling the dried flower on the right shoe. It can be blended with other psychic plants and drunk as a tea to improve psychic powers.

To fend against evil energy, keep a filled pouch of Cornflowers in your pantry or at your front entrance. To attract a lover, wear them as an amulet. They can be used in fertility and affluence rituals as well as Spells. These can also assist us in seeing and working with the faerie world.
Love, psychic abilities, protection, fertility, abundance, and faeries are all magical uses.

Its close ties to Venus endow it with the qualities of love. It helps us develop a better bond with our patron Goddesses. It's also used in love foretelling. The deep connection to Venus, Flora, and the Earth Goddesses provides insight into the mysteries of women. To use as a magical ink, make an infusion. In automatic psychic writing, you use ink. When working with Flora or a nature deity like Danu, make a garland out of the flowers.


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