Touhou 10 MOF - Fall of Fall ~ Autumnal Waterfall (BW Remix)

Описание к видео Touhou 10 MOF - Fall of Fall ~ Autumnal Waterfall (BW Remix)

After Defeating the Sisters, they warn of a Dark Road ahead and a River that you seem all too familiar with. You decide to ask for help across, and they guide you over the area, bringing you to a clearing near a waterfall that seems to climb high up the mountain. A newly build bridge going up seems to have been made and you make your walk up the mountain.
Suddenly you are stopped by a piercing howl and a gust of wind.
"Stop Intruder! Go no further! I Inubashiri Momiji have made my declaration, now state your business human, you are trespassing on Tengu grounds, answer wrongful and I will slice you up!"
You explain the ongoing incident and mention the winged tengu reporter that had framed you for all of it, and you needed to settle things with her. "Ah, you must mean Aya. Yes, as annoying as she is, she is still my superior, and I cannot allow you to meddle in tengu business. But, if you think you can defeat me then I shall personally assist you up the mountain to where she resides. Shall you fail, you will die here!, Now come!"
Rushed upload! I'm at Konsplosion this weekend! I hope you all enjoy the tune!!!

All Original Rights of Touhou Project Character Momiji Inubashiri and the song Fall of Fall ~ Autumnal Waterfall are owned by TeamShanghaiAlice, also known as ZUN.
The background art was made by hacko from Pixiv.
The remix was done by me using FLStudio using soundfonts of Pokemon Black/White and a secret TH soundfont that I need not say from whom out of respect and request I not mention them or release.

The REQUEST line is getting bigger again, I'll think I'm gonna stop with it for good. I will take requests for things OUTSIDE of Touhou though, just to give me a change of pace time and again.
IF you want to bump your song up in the list and you have a providable midi, (makes it sooo much easier on me) I'll prioritize it. (Not all songs I'm able to access without one. I'm not musically talented in originality. I'm being honest here.)
Please, if you had requested a song previously, please notify me again, as I may have lost your request at some point.
Thank you for your ongoing support! If you appreciate the videos and want to see more content like this, or just want to be nice and help me out with getting by in life, I got a support page over at
If you want a specific song done as well. I'll do what I can to get around to it.


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