MFE StriverMini Brolga Maiden - ArduPlane VTOL Follow plane #2

Описание к видео MFE StriverMini Brolga Maiden - ArduPlane VTOL Follow plane #2

It was such a pleasure to put this plane together and fly it. This will be the follow plane in my UAV plane follow project.

The MakeFlyEasy Striver Mini with the QioTek Zealot H743 runs ArduPilot like a dream.

0:00 Tuning
0:30 Fixed wing maiden
4:50 Autonomous maiden

MakeFlyEasy Striver Mini PNP kit from InsightFPV
QioTek Zealot H743 Autopilot from SmartFleet
Hawkeye Thumb camera from AliExpress
ExpressLRS diversity with the Radiomaster RP3 v2
Solid State Lithium 16000 Mah XingTo batteries

Chasing Horizon
Music by


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