Making carbon pricing work - Bruegel Annual Meetings 2019

Описание к видео Making carbon pricing work - Bruegel Annual Meetings 2019

Putting a price on carbon has - for good economic reasons - become an undisputed policy proposal. But in reality, many economic activities (e.g., heating or transportation) are still not covered by such a price in many countries and existing carbon prices (e.g., in the EU Emission Trading System) are considered insufficient to drastically reduce emissions. In this session, we want to discuss how to overcome the hurdles to more sensible carbon prices.

Georg Zachmann / Senior Fellow, Bruegel
Brigitte Knopf, Secretary General, Mercator Research Institute on Global Commons and Climate Change
Lapo Pistelli, Executive Vice President, Eni
Jasper Wesseling, Deputy director-general tax and customs policy and legislation at the Ministry of Finance of the Netherlands


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