Repairing a Makita DHS680 cordless saw under warranty. Including a new upgraded part from Makita.

Описание к видео Repairing a Makita DHS680 cordless saw under warranty. Including a new upgraded part from Makita.

This is why I always recommend Makita tools.
Iv had 3 of these particular models of Makita saws in for warranty repair before, which is 3 to many for Makita standards.
There must have been a recurring fault with this older controller, as Makita have already changed the part and made improvements.
No longer is it 1 part, Makita have now made it 2 parts. Plus I see they have done this with a few cordless grinders also.
Makita is always improving their tools, even the older ones. Built to last.

This Makita DHS680 cordless circular saw developed an intermittent fault, sometimes it wouldn't start. But eventually it stopped running completely. Its obviously a controller failure so a new motor controller unit is fitting under warranty to this up and running again.

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