Marc Lowe's "Puppet Motel (Burning Plastic)" - After Laurie Anderson

Описание к видео Marc Lowe's "Puppet Motel (Burning Plastic)" - After Laurie Anderson

"Puppet Motel (Burning Plastic)"
Inspired by Laurie Anderson's song from her 1994 Brian Eno-produced LP "Bright Red."

The timing for this just seemed appropriate. A bit too appropriate, perhaps.

Not only was the home I moved into "made of plastic" (or, well the flooring was, the entire length of it from entrance to balcony/window), but I have also recently come to notice that many of the new homes being built in Japan are made of such toxic PVC materials - on the outside, anyway (I haven't stepped inside any of said neighborhood "designer buildings" to know). No more wood, as in old times, just slick, chemical PVC-coated plastic that is cheap, "efficient," and proven carcinogenic, i.e. not only can it cause cancer in the long run, but also a host of other serious and irreversible ailments even in a much shorter period of time.

If you have allergies, your body will tell you, as it did me, with sudden itchy skin rashes, sore throats, burning eyes, stuffed up nose (enough to cause incessant mouth-only breathing), asthma, and other such pleasant reminders to get the hell out of said home a.s.a.p.

In any case, I am now living in my former haunt (a tiny, one-room apartment) sans furniture, sans closet, sans (for the time being) much sanity, either. I thought this a great opportunity to film this video, with my room still a wreck, and create a new piece of music (it was sung live, as you see it here, the backing tracks added afterwards). After filming I was able to straighten up a bit, but I am still in the process of putting my life back in order after this traumatic move.

Puppet motel.
Check in, take a whiff.
Burning plastic.

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