How to Grill Salmon With the Skin On : Savory Flavors

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Grilling salmon with the skin on requires you to make a few special considerations during your preparation process. Grill salmon with the skin on with help from an executive chef in this free video clip.

Expert: Ryan Fichter
Bio: Chef Ryan Fichter, a Maryland native, has brought something new to Washington D.C. Since 2010, Fichter has served as the Executive Chef of both Thunder Burger & Bar, and Bodega Spanish Tapas & Lounge.
Filmmaker: Malcholm Reese

Series Description: You don't actually have to be an expert chef to cook like one - you just need to keep a few key things in mind while you work your way around the kitchen. Get tips on bringing savory flavors into your home with help from an executive chef in this free video series.


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