Converting A Pearl Rack To A Gibraltar Hardware Rack (episode 4)

Описание к видео Converting A Pearl Rack To A Gibraltar Hardware Rack (episode 4)

In this new episode of the Extreme Hardware Makeover video series you will learn the differences between the two drum rack systems demonstrating the multi clamp, memory locks, square rack versus round tubes and the importance of an adjustable T leg in the stability of your rack.

Brent, our drum rack expert, demo's how to adapt your Pearl Drum kit using Gibraltar Hardware rack parts. Brent demonstrates how to customize your drum kit using Gibraltar's varied options. Brent offers a few tips & tricks in this instructional video where you will discover you have no limitations in how to build a custom set up.

Gibraltar's Brent Barnett, all 200 lbs, does pull ups on a Gibraltar rack tom mount to prove that using memory locks correctly will prevent your toms from slipping:
   • Gibraltar Rack Supports 200 lb. "Drum"  

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