Johnny's Revenge Part 4 (Just_One_of_the_Guys)

Описание к видео Johnny's Revenge Part 4 (Just_One_of_the_Guys)

Part 4

After losing in the All-Valley Under 18 Karate Championship at Cal State Northridge in 1984, Johnny quits Cobra Kai, changes his name to Greg Tolan and transfers to Sturgis Wilder High School in Arizona. Johnny romances Deborah (the most popular girl at school) and the bully resumes his terrorizing ways against the school's geeks -- until he meets Terry.

Terry is the new kid whom students believe resembles Johnny's long-time, rival Daniel Larusso. Johnny confronts Terry on Day 1 and throws him into a prickley bush. Terry does not care about karate, Golf-N-Stuff and Alli, but instead he focuses on social status, journalism and fashion. However, unknown to all except a select few, Terry has a gender-bending secret that threatens to destroy the Sturgis Wilder Senior Prom.

In the finale at the Prom, Johnny receives a top honor from his peers and celebrates by suckerpunching Rick who is Deborah's prom date and Terry's apprentice. Johnny defeats Terry and tosses him into a tide pool. Terry's brother attacks Johnny from behind with an unorthodox martial arts technique, but Johnny is able to counter and throw Buddy into the tide pool too.

As an exhausted Johnny retreats from the tide pool, a recovered Rick confronts and defeats Johnny in hand-to-hand combat.

Rick discovers Terry's secret and they become lovers.


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