La imparable infantilización de occidente | Juan M. Blanco | TEDxVitoriaGasteiz

Описание к видео La imparable infantilización de occidente | Juan M. Blanco | TEDxVitoriaGasteiz

La juventud se ha convertido en un icono de culto, objeto de incesante alabanza, de veneración, ¡como si ser joven tuviera mérito! La experiencia que proporciona la edad, el conocimiento, los objetivos logrados a lo largo de la vida eran una virtud antaño. Pero hoy son una rémora, un lastre del que desprenderse a toda costa: hay que ser joven, o adolescente, a cualquier edad. He studied at London School of Economics, where he obtained his Master’s Degree in Economics. He is a University professor, and he tries to give his best to his students. He published in specialized journals, and wrote books seeking for a simple and agile style, inspired by the maxim: The good thing if brief twice good, and if bad, less bad. I’m worried by the future of Spain, the mediocrity of our politics, the prevailing dogmas and taboos, those mental corsets that constitute real barriers to the real thinking. I began to explore other fields of knowledge in search of convincing explanations, and to share my ideas, to be able to discuss with others. Also, I combined my duty at university with a op-ed and lecturer activity. Together with Javier Benegas, I wrote the book Catarsis in 2013, which analyzes the limitations of the political regime that was born during the Transition, a provocative text that, unfortunately, succeeded in many of its forecasts. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at


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