My (Late) Ballet Journey | Starting Ballet as a Teen/Adult

Описание к видео My (Late) Ballet Journey | Starting Ballet as a Teen/Adult

Hi everyone! I'm excited to share my teen/adult ballet journey with you from ages 16-24

I took adult drop-in classes from age 15-17 in San Jose. Then in college, I took ballet classes at Berkeley along with drop-in classes from a nearby studio. I was teaching technique and pointe at this time and have a lot of good memories to keep. Dancing in college was difficult because I had to balance dance with an academic course load. I eventually took a leave of absence to train pre-professionally in the East Coast.

The summer intensive experience was fun and you can watch a quick vlog of that time! Unfortunately, I injured my back during the intensive and that started to cause injury in other places. The school year experience at the ballet school in the East Coast was tough mentally and after a few months, I decided to fly back to California and quit dance. I was dealing with depression and anxiety and started therapy when I was back. I learned so much about myself that year.

On a whim, I decided that my next career path would be as an engineer and today I am a software engineer with Disney. It's been a wild journey!

Instagram:   / ballet_misfit  


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