Memories of Khenchen Appey Rinpoche 关于堪千阿贝仁波切的回忆(弟子访谈,英語)

Описание к видео Memories of Khenchen Appey Rinpoche 关于堪千阿贝仁波切的回忆(弟子访谈,英語)

Interviews with Luding Khenchen Rinpoche, Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche, Ratna Vajra Rinpoche etc., on their memories of Appey Rinpoche, during the cremation ceremony in early 2011.


Extracted from the documentary
"The Gentle Sage: The Life and Death of Khenchen Appey Rinpoche"


Created as a tribute to Venerable Khenchen Appy Rinpoche, an eminent master of the Sakya Tradition, this documentary contains a short biography, interviews with many of his students and his cremation ceremony in 2011. Khenchen Appy Rinpoche was one of the few remaining great masters who had been trained entirely in Tibet. He was a true sage, a master of both sutra and tantra. Through his many inspiring activities, countless people were moved to take up the in-depth study and practice of Buddha Dharma.

此纪录片谨献给萨迦传统的一代大师 尊贵的堪千阿贝仁波切。纪录片内容包含仁波切的简传、弟子们的访谈,以及2011年的荼毗大典。堪千阿贝仁波切是硕果仅存的完全在西藏受训学习的少数上师之一,他是一位真正的圣者,是精通经续二部的大师。他极具启发性的诸多事业使得无数人因此开始深入研习和修持佛法。

Produced by the International Buddhist Academy
Boudha, Kathmandu, Nepal
In association with


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