Final Fantasy VI (PlayStation) - Final Battle & Ending

Описание к видео Final Fantasy VI (PlayStation) - Final Battle & Ending

This is the first time I fought this boss, actually. Also I kinda forgot that Ultima existed so I just kept using Fight when I wanted to deal damage.

I had had a save just rotting away on my memory card for years, but I've been on an RPG mood recently so I decided to resume gameplay. Apparently I was in about the halfway point of the game, right before going through the Floating Continent.

Anyway, I am well aware that I am super overleveled for this boss fight, but I just got so many level ups without even trying while I was learning spells.

Of course those four people were my only strong characters and the only characters with equipment on for this battle. I didn't expect an insta-kill spell to come outta nowhere like that, although in all honesty I should've expected something like that from the final boss. So poor Cyan was without equipment and got reamed.

So that's another FF game I can mark as beaten. I have now successfully finished 1-7, 13 and Dissidia, if that counts.


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