Downstream processing: Cell disruption methods

Описание к видео Downstream processing: Cell disruption methods

Cell disruption is an essential part of downstream processing (DSP) in the pharmaceutical industry. It is necessary for the extraction and retrieval of the desired products, as cell disruption significantly enhances the recovery of biological products. In this video, I will give an overview of the available mechanical and non-mechanical methods and give two case studies on how these techniques are used in practice.

For more videos on this topic, please check out the playlist "Downstream processing in the pharmaceutical industry".

00:00 Introduction
00:20 Different methods
01:50 Mechanical methods
03:23 Homogenisation
04:47 Non-mechanical methods
06:23 Case study I: enzymatic methods
08:34 Cell lysis
09:55 Case study II: homogenisation
12:04 Summary


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