FIRST COMPREHENSIVE TEST: Gatso RT4 Photo Radar vs Radar Detectors

Описание к видео FIRST COMPREHENSIVE TEST: Gatso RT4 Photo Radar vs Radar Detectors

The Gatso RT4 is one of the latest threats to reach our shores. Like previous versions of this photo enforcement system, the Gatso RT3 and Gatso RT2, the Gatso RT4 is designed to be especially difficult to detect with radar detectors.

Unlike the Redflex system which relies on horizontal polarization to make it hard to detect, the Gatso RT4 uses frequency modulation to do so. This may not be the primary purpose of using FMCW, since FMCW enables radar to not only determine speed but distance as well. The RT4 can use this radar to determine when a vehicle runs a redlight. It's an alternative to relying on induction loop systems that require the roadway to be torn-up to install. The RT4 can accomplish the same thing with radar and/or lidar (to create virtual induction loops).

Currently, there are not many systems in use so we had to travel to an area where these photo enforcement systems are used, in this case around Beverly Hills, California.

The Gatso T-Series systems can issue both redlight and speed on green violations.

We test a full arsenal of the latest radar detectors against several of these systems to determine which, if any, can provide adequate protection from them. We were surprised at the results and you may be too.

We tested the Uniden R7, Uniden R3, Escort Max 360c, Escort Max 360c International, Escort Redline EX International, Escort iXc, Radenso XP, Radenso Pro M, Valentine 1, and the Whistler CR97.

The main takeaway is that these systems are harder to detect than even the feared Redflex systems and what is clear is that the radar detector manufacturers need to step up their game to defeat these systems.

Fortunately, these systems are stationery and can be identified with GPS, but if and when they go mobile, then that's going to be the real challenge and why the detector manufacturers should anticipate this and get ahead of this technology.

Hopefully this detailed test will help that effort.

This production took four days to prepare and required nearly 1000 miles of travel to conduct. Please consider supporting RadarBusters by purchasing any of the featured products from

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Filed Under: #GatsoRT4, #RadarDetectorTest


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