How to Run a Conversion Rate Optimization Program | CXL Institute Free Webinar

Описание к видео How to Run a Conversion Rate Optimization Program | CXL Institute Free Webinar

Join Manuel de Costa, a CXL Institute Instructor, in a free webinar to move your optimization program to the next level and foster a culture of experimentation.

Running A/B tests is the "easy part.” Running an optimization program is where the true masters flourish. It is a lot harder and messier than you’d think.

For a deeper dive into program-level management, check out CXL Institute's in-depth course:

In this webinar you will learn to:

-Build a Culture of Experimentation
It’s hard to run tests if your company doesn’t believe in experimentation. This webinar will teach you to build and spread a culture that respects experimentation.

-Get Stakeholder Buy-In
Similarly, it’s hard to get tests off the ground if you can’t get the go-ahead from important people in the company. We’ll go over ways to get stakeholder buy-in.

-Increase Program ROI
Go beyond running a few tests here and there to running a world class optimization program that continually brings ROI and results.

Manuel da Costa is the founder of Effective Experiments, a SaaS platform that helps CRO teams run efficient optimization programs from ideas to experiments, collaboration to insights on a single end to end platform. With a strong background in conversion optimization, he has worked with 100s of eCommerce and lead generation companies to improve their conversions.


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