Max Charging Current and Min Battery Charge explained on eGolf

Описание к видео Max Charging Current and Min Battery Charge explained on eGolf

Brandon Hamberg with Bommarito VW in Hazelwood shows you how to adjust Max Charging Current which sets how much draw the Egolf will get off of its charge source network, so if you have it on the same circuit as your clothes dryer, you would want to limit it, but if you have it set to charge at a time later than when you use the dryer, you can go max. Or if you have a circuit dedicated to charging the Egolf like at a charging kiosk or at home, you can safely go, Max, all of the time. And when it comes to min battery charge level, you will set this as the lowest you want the battery to be drained by percentage. And keeping this higher will maintain the battery life vs running it low all of the time. However, if you have a long trip, you can lower it and use more of the battery's total charge. And if you go below your setting, like you drain it to 10% power while you have it set at 20% min battery charge level, it will rapid charge back to 20% and then more slowly gain from there as is best for batter longevity.


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