智商最高,掌控欲望最强!边牧简直是个机灵鬼\The highest IQ and strongest control ability. Border Collie is a genius!

Описание к видео 智商最高,掌控欲望最强!边牧简直是个机灵鬼\The highest IQ and strongest control ability. Border Collie is a genius!

最近有位朋友因为在意大利还不能回国,所以他把他的边牧犬寄养在我们这里。这种犬确实很聪明,很敏捷,但是同时掌控欲望也太强了。\A client who couldn't return China but stay in Italy sent his Border Collie for boarding . This kind of dog is indeed very smart and agile but with strong control abilities.


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