How to Quickly Test an Automobile Ignition Coil Using a Bartol Mag-Probe

Описание к видео How to Quickly Test an Automobile Ignition Coil Using a Bartol Mag-Probe

In this quick test Evan Basabe an Automotive Technician in Boise Idaho shows the value of the Mag-Probe when testing Ignition coils on a 2010 Chevy Cobalt. This quick test will separate electrical from mechanical problems in seconds when trouble shooting electrical systems with solenoid valves, relays or coils. The Mag-Probe can be used in any environment. In Clean Rooms, Explosive environments, Underwater, temperatures ranging from -80°F to 180° F, in a Vacuum. It can also be used on the some of the smallest relays in the world down to 1 gauss and the largest solenoid valves using the de-sensitizing shield to block over lapping fields. It has a shelf life of 10 years and will identify North and South Poles on any magnet. It also comes with a test magnet to make sure the tester is working correctly. There are unlimited applications for the Mag-Probe. When the light comes on you know you have the presense of current, continuity, and voltage in one quick test and will work while equipment is operational, safety permitting. Great for quickly determining which direction to go in when you are trouble shooting electrical coils, solenoid valves, relays and/or anything that has an electrically energized coil or winding.


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