District Six - Buckingham Palace - Buddy book review

Описание к видео District Six - Buckingham Palace - Buddy book review

Another collaborative book review with the amazing Rashmika. This time it is another bit of South African literature called District Six - Buckingham Palace, by Richard Rive. It is set in the slums of Cape Town between 1955 - 1970. I found it initially enjoyable but ultimately forgettable. District Six is the Lake Wobegon of South Africa. There! Make sense of THAT..!!

I feel kind of bad, because I like to find hidden nuggets in books that sort of act like keys to open up the book for deeper discussion. There was nothing of the sort here, so this is not much of a discussion. I am sorry Rashmika..!! But next on the table for us is Coetzee’s Waiting for the Barbarians, and I am super excited about that one..!!

What are you doing watching this nonsense? Watch Rashmika instead:    • Видео  


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