Let's Play Legend of Grimrock 03: Tentative First Steps

Описание к видео Let's Play Legend of Grimrock 03: Tentative First Steps

No matter what their pasts were, these four now have to work together if they're to stand a chance of survival. With literally nothing but rags to their name they'll have to scrounge whatever equipment they find on the way; the bodies of other former criminals, the enemies they'll face and hidden areas will all hold the tools needed to prevail.

The first floor has a small area designed as a tutorial to help you get accustomed to how the game plays. If you have experience with dungeon crawlers from the early 90's you'll find many of the mechanics familiar and comfortable. The simplicity of the core game play is deceptive however; at the heart of this game lies intricate puzzles and devious enemies that require specific strategies to overcome.

But that's in the future. Right now, things are much less complicated but no less deadly; for a party as ill prepared as our, every fight could be their last.


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