How about "Auriferous Arsenopyrite: The Hidden Wealth of Pyrite"? 2 kg gold in 100 kg arsenopyrite

Описание к видео How about "Auriferous Arsenopyrite: The Hidden Wealth of Pyrite"? 2 kg gold in 100 kg arsenopyrite

How about "Auriferous Arsenopyrite: The Hidden Wealth of Pyrite"?
How much gold in 100 kg arsenopyrite ?

Arsenopyrite typically contains around 0.3-5% gold by weight. So, if we take an average value of 2%, then 100 kg of arsenopyrite would contain approximately 2 kg of gold.

Can we extract gold from arsenopyrite without using chemicals ?

Extracting gold from arsenopyrite without using chemicals is challenging because chemical processes are typically the most efficient methods for gold extraction. However, it is possible to extract gold from arsenopyrite using physical methods such as grinding and gravity separation or flotation. These methods can separate the gold particles from the arsenopyrite matrix without relying on chemical reactions. However, they may not be as efficient or cost-effective as chemical methods.

metal detectors can be useful for finding arsenopyrite because it contains arsenic, which can create a metallic signal detectable by metal detectors


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