Корейцы крадут китайскую культуру?

Описание к видео Корейцы крадут китайскую культуру?

#Китай #Корея #Squidgame #Япония #Азия #к-поп #дорама

China and Korea are accusing each other of cultural appropriation. Who’s right? Or... is there even a right answer? And why is Japan not part of the debate? Join me in exploring the (rather spicy) Chinese internet and cultural controversies surrounding Squid Game, Hanbok, Hallyu, and China's ethnic Koreans.

Looking forward to hearing your thoughts! Thanks so much for watching :)

0:00 Intro: “Thief Nation”
1:08 Literature gap: why is Japan an outlier?
2:16 Case study: China and Korea's Squid Game Feud
4:31 In China’s defense: Korean “exclusionary nationalism”
6:05 In Korea’s defense: the Chinese political "weaponization” of Korean minorities in China
7:35 How Korean soft power changes the whole equation
8:11 Conclusion: analogy to Apple and Blackberry

Lots of moving parts, but I hope you get something out of it! My arm certainly got great exercise out of brandishing my lav mic (next time I’ll use a standing microphone lol).

Key ~academic~ sources:
“국민의힘 문체위 소속 의원, “올림픽까지 동북공정 활용한 중국 정부 강력 규탄.”” 썬뉴스, 5 Feb. 2022, www.sunnews.co.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=79846.
이가영. “중국 관영매체까지 “오징어 게임 추리닝, 中이 원조” 주장.” 조선일보, 6 Oct. 2021, www.chosun.com/international/international_general/2021/10/07/ZIOEZ3S5JFFJ5OB4XZZ2ZQZXV4/.
조선비즈. “中, “오징어게임” 불법 다운로드에 짝퉁까지… 서경덕 “존중 배워라.”” 조선비즈, 5 Oct. 2021, - biz.chosun.com/topics/topics_social/2021/10/05/HBP37F3535HY3K3MF3IC6MJYTQ/.
조선일보. “中, '오징어 게임’도 불법 다운로드...서경덕 교수 “다른 문화 “존중” 배워야” [전문].” 조선일보, 5 Oct. 2021, www.chosun.com/entertainments/entertain_photo/2021/10/05/Z7VPXKJKFEP545NFP7KHHJXW3I/.
李海准. “中国驻韩大使馆发言人就冬奥会开幕式“韩服”争议阐明立场.” 韩国最大的传媒机构《中央日报》中文网, 9 Feb. 2022, chinese.joins.com/news/articleView.html?idxno=105039.
박노자. “[박노자의 한국, 안과 밖] 문화는 배타적으로 소유할 수 없다!” Www.hani.co.kr, 15 Feb. 2022, www.hani.co.kr/arti/opinion/column/1031233.html.
사공관숙. “서경덕 올린 사진이 하필…한·중 “오징어 게임 체육복” 싸움.” 중앙일보, 8 Oct. 2021, www.joongang.co.kr/article/25013349
Teh, Cheryl. “South Korean Celebs Are Being Attacked by Chinese Social Media Users for Posting Snaps of Themselves Wearing the Hanbok — a Traditional Outfit That Both South Korea and China Claim Is Theirs.” Insider, www.insider.com/chinese-social-media-users-attack-korean-stars-for-hanbok-photos-2022-2.
五柳先生. “笑掉大牙?韩教授指吴京中国外套抄袭鱿鱼游戏,网友评论太解气!.” 6 Oct. 2021, k.sina.cn/article_2941027407_af4c844f001018kc9.html?from=ent&subch=star. ‌
张照栋. “又来…韩媒炒作吴京“中国”外套抄袭《鱿鱼游戏》服装.” 2021, www.guancha.cn/culture/2021_10_05_609775.shtml.

안다TV ANDATV. “이재명, 한복 논란에 “中, 올림픽을 문화공정의 수단? 그 의문에 답해야.”” 2022,    • 이재명, 한복 논란에 "中, 올림픽을 문화공정의 수단? 그 의문에 ...  .
CCTV中国中央电视台. ““特高级”的冷面有多美味?打卡中国唯一的朝鲜族自治县,体验浓浓的朝鲜族风情!| CCTV「正大综艺」.” 2023,    • “特高级”的冷面有多美味?打卡中国唯一的朝鲜族自治县,体验浓浓的朝鲜族风情...  .
CNA. “Pro Beijing Supporters Rally in Sydney to Criticise Hong Kong Protests.” 2019,    • Pro Beijing supporters rally in Sydne...  .
CNBC. “A Look inside Korea’s Demilitarized Zone | CNBC.” 2018,    • A Look Inside Korea's Demilitarized Z...  .
JTBC News. “[담박인터뷰] 서경덕 “일 정부, 자위함기는 욱일기 인정...우리 정부, 이제라도 이 문제 짚어야” / JTBC News.”    • [담박인터뷰] 서경덕 "일 정부, 자위함기는 욱일기 인정...우리 ...  .
MyDramaList. “Top 12 Historical Kdramas from 2022-2023 That’ll Blow Your Mind! (Ft HappySqueak).” 2023,    • Top 12 Historical Kdramas from 2022-2...  .
NBC News. “A Look at China’s Nationalist Propaganda as the Communist Party Turns 100.” Www.youtube.com, 2021,    • A Look At China’s Nationalist Propaga...  .
Olympics. “Beijing2022 Opening Ceremony! | Full Replay.”    • #Beijing2022 Opening Ceremony! | Full...  .
Olympics. “Full Opening Ceremony from Beijing 2008 | Throwback Thursday.” 8 Aug. 2019,    • Full Opening Ceremony from Beijing 20...  .
人民网-中国共产党新闻网. “56个民族同唱一首歌·《领航》主题微视频--独家稿件-中国共产党新闻网.” Cpc.people.com.cn, 2022, cpc.people.com.cn/n1/2022/1001/c164113-32538416.html.
The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon. “BLACKPINK: How You like That (the Tonight Show: At Home Edition).” 27 June 2020,    • BLACKPINK: How You Like That (The Ton...  .
This is Why. “Hallyu Explained | the Reason Korean Culture Is Taking over the World | This Is Why.” 2022,    • Hallyu Explained | The reason Korean ...  .
中国新闻社. “中国驻韩国大使邢海明带你看30年前的中国大使馆.” 2022,    • 中国驻韩国大使邢海明带你看30年前的中国大使馆  .

Gaia, Jules. Jump Jive Roar. Adobe Stock. Licensed via Adobe Subscription.
Infinitely sound. “Animated Lightning Storm Background | Free Stock Video Footage HD 4K.” 2021,    • Animated Lightning Storm Background |...  . @Videezy Standard License @ Videvo Attribution License.
MacLeod, Kevin. Scheming Weasel. 2017,    • Comedy Background Music Instrumental ...  .
ChillSound. Fashion Show Lounge House Music Short. Adobe Stock. Licensed via Adobe Subscription.

tags: культурный комментарий, социальный комментарий, интернет-анализ, аналитическое видео, многоязычие, мягкая сила, национализм, культурное присвоение, Восточная Азия, Корея, Китай, Япония, Северная Корея, Халлю, кимчи, Байду, Билибили, БТС, ханбок, кимоно, игра с кальмарами , дорама, у цзин, к-поп, корейская волна, цензура


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