Escape the Ordinary: Unveiling the Tranquil World of Birdwatching, feel peace and connect to nature.

Описание к видео Escape the Ordinary: Unveiling the Tranquil World of Birdwatching, feel peace and connect to nature.

The Common Hill Myna is a striking bird with a distinct appearance. Its plumage boasts a glossy black coat, occasionally shimmering green or purple on the head and neck. This dark base is contrasted by bright pops of color: a vivid orange-yellow bill, bold yellow wattles adorning the head and nape, and conspicuous white wing patches that become evident during flight.

These medium-sized songbirds, measuring around 29 cm, prefer the leafy canopy of forests and their edges. They are highly social creatures, often seen in noisy groups of up to six individuals, hopping sideways through the branches. Their arboreal lifestyle extends to their nesting habits, where they construct their homes in cavities within tall trees.

Breeding season brings little visual distinction between the sexes. Both males and females contribute to raising two to three eggs in a clutch. Interestingly, this species lacks sexual dimorphism, making it challenging to differentiate between males and females solely based on physical appearance.

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