Dream Guitars - 2018 Jang OM, Madagascar Rosewood & Adirondack Spruce

Описание к видео Dream Guitars - 2018 Jang OM, Madagascar Rosewood & Adirondack Spruce

Paul: This OM is something special. It’s got Isaac's magic touch. The guy’s known for his insane attention to detail and passion, and it really shows in this guitar. It’s not just well-made; it’s got a vibe that’s all Isaac.

Logan: Here Isaac Jang exemplifies the modern guitar: exquisite clarity, just enough overtone for complexity but not to overwhelm the fundamental, effortless playability and comfort. The trebles are sweet and present, and the bass register complements them perfectly without competing for air space. If I'm looking for something to critique, I haven't found it yet.




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