◤こどもの日のごはん◢ GWおもてなし料理 l 端午の節句 l お祝い晩御飯 l 40代主婦の日常 l 丁寧な暮らし l Children's Day Dinner

Описание к видео ◤こどもの日のごはん◢ GWおもてなし料理 l 端午の節句 l お祝い晩御飯 l 40代主婦の日常 l 丁寧な暮らし l Children's Day Dinner

GW中なので、 帰省されるお子様やお孫さんへのおもてなしご飯としても参考にして頂ければ、 嬉しいです☺

 第5弾販売日     :2023年4月26日(水)18時
 数量        :限定数(※無くなり次第終了となります)
 販売ウェブサイトURL :https://www.life-with-utsuwa.com/ 

●筍と牛肉のすき焼き風 → 萠窯 / 染付四方鉢(中)
●鯛の中華蒸し → 柳瀬和之 / 曇天釉8寸浅鉢
●兜の春巻き → 土井善男 / 乳白釉木瓜板皿
●アスパラガスとパルミジャーノの春巻き → 土井善男 / 乳白釉木瓜板皿
●ホタルイカのバジル和え → 萠窯 / 木瓜豆皿染付(松竹梅)
●ほうれん草と湯葉のお浸し → 萠窯 / 三寸輪花皿(松竹梅)
●ゆで鶏のネギソース → 中尾万作 / ひさご散らしレンゲ小付け
●鶏スープ → 萠窯 / 蕎麦猪口(こま文)
●鰹の手こね寿司 → さわら / 寿司桶
●柏餅 → 高塚和則 / 花形パン皿(さくら 大)
●日本酒 → アキノヨーコ / ALM片口 / ALMぐいのみ
●ノンアルコール → 三浦侑子 / スモール台付グラス

 大山 純米吟醸 出羽燦々55 (山形 / 加藤嘉八郎酒造)

 こどもの日のごはん 2021年前編 ▶    • 【暮らしVlog】こどもの日のごはん 前編 / 40代主婦の日常 / 端午...  
 こどもの日のごはん 2021年後編 ▶    • 【暮らしVlog】こどもの日のごはん 後編 / 40代主婦の日常 / 端午...  
 こどもの日のごはん 2022年 ▶    • こどもの日のお祝いごはん / 5月5日 / 晩御飯 / 40代主婦の日常 ...  

It will soon be Golden Week (GW).
Are you planning to go out this year?
It is a little early, but today I would like to introduce some celebratory meals for the Boys' Festival and Children's Day during Golden Week.
Since it is during the GW season, we would be happy if you could refer to it as a meal to treat your children or grandchildren who are coming back home☺.
We also have an important announcement in today's video.
Please take a look at it as well 🌿.

🌟"Life with Utsuwa" webstore sales 🌟
 Fifth sale date : Wednesday, April 26, 2023 at 18:00
 Quantity :Limited number (* Will end as soon as they are gone)
 Sales website URL : https://www.life-with-utsuwa.com/ 
 *The listing on the sales website will be updated according to the start date and time of the sale.
 This time, the 9-piece set will include: a medium blue-and-white four-sided bowl, a cloudy glazed 8" shallow bowl, a milky white glazed jukuri plate, a 3" round flower plate (pine, bamboo and plum), an ALM katakuchi, and an ALM guinomi (a sake cup).
 You must register as a member to purchase.
  Therefore, it will be easier to purchase if you register before the sales start.
 If you have any other inquiries, please contact us from the Contact Us page on our website.
Please contact us from the website inquiry page.

🍽Dishes and Plates of the Day
●Bamboo shoots and beef in sukiyaki style → Moegama / Four-sided bowl with blue and white glaze (medium)
●Chinese steamed sea bream → Kazuyuki Yanase / 8" shallow bowl with cloudy glaze
●Kabuto no Harumaki (egg rolls with helmet) → Yoshio Doi / Mokko plate with milky white glaze
●Asparagus and parmigiano egg rolls → Yoshio Doi / Mokko white glazed wood melon plate
●Firefly squid with basil → Moegama / Mokko mamezara with white slip (pine, bamboo and plum)
●Spinach and yuba soaked in soup → Moegama / 3" round Rinka plate (pine, bamboo and plum)
●Boiled Chicken with green onion sauce → Mansaku Nakao / Scattering Lengua with a Little Attachment
●Chicken soup → Moegama / Soba-noodle bowl with Koma design
●Hand-kneaded sushi with skipjack tuna → Sawara / Sushi tub
●Kashiwa Mochi → Kazunori Takatsuka / Flower-shaped bread plate (Sakura, large)
●Sake → Yoko Akino / ALM Katakuchi / ALM Guinomi
●Non-alcoholic drink → Yuko Miura / Glass with small stand

🍶Today's sake
 Oyama Junmai Ginjo Dewa Sansan 55 (Yamagata / Kato Kahachiro Sake Brewery)

🎥Please also see the previous Children's Day dinner 👇.
 Children's Day Dinner Part 1 in 2021 ▶    • 【暮らしVlog】こどもの日のごはん 前編 / 40代主婦の日常 / 端午...  
 Children's Day Dinner Part 2 in 2021 ▶    • 【暮らしVlog】こどもの日のごはん 後編 / 40代主婦の日常 / 端午...  
 Children's Day Dinner 2022 ▶    • こどもの日のお祝いごはん / 5月5日 / 晩御飯 / 40代主婦の日常 ...  



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