[Tayo's Sing Along Show 1] #02 The Brave Cars l Tayo the Little Bus

Описание к видео [Tayo's Sing Along Show 1] #02 The Brave Cars l Tayo the Little Bus

Who is the most brave car in town? If you're ever in trouble, call fo Frank Fire Truck, Alice the Ambulance and Pat the Police car! They will be there to help you whenever you need! Because, they are the brave cars! :) [Click "Show More" for Lyrics]


The brave fire truck is on the way
With a powerful blast of water, Put out a fire
The red fire truck is on the way
Save people with a long, long ladder
Don’t worry now, everyone
We are here to help you
Call us anytime when you’re in trouble
We are the Brave Cars!

The brave ambulance is on the way
Please Please take away the patients quickly
The kind ambulance is on the way
Please Please hang in there
We’re racing to the hospital
Don’t worry now, everyone
We are here to help you
You call us anytime when you’re in trouble
We are the Brave Cars!

The brave police car is on the way
Whenever you need help, Please call us.
The great police car is on the way
Whenever you’re in trouble
let us handle it
Don’t worry now everyone
We are here to help you
Call us anytime when you’re in trouble
We are the Brave Cars!

Don’t worry now everyone! (Don’t worry)
We are here to help you(Help me)
Call us anytime when you’re in trouble
We are the brave cars
We are the brave cars

Duri goes to the movie theater for the first time with his mother. But a fire breaks out in the movie theater Duri visits. Tayo doesn't know what to do and becomes very anxious as he looks at Duri who is waiting for a rescue team to arrive. Just then, Fire Truck Frank, Ambulance Alice, and Police Car Pat arrive with the splendid sound of sirens blasting in the air. Now Frank, Alice, and Pat show what they can really do as they extinguish the fire, help the injured, and control the traffic.

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Tayo the Little Bus has more than 100 episodes in English, Spanish, Turkish, Russian, Chinese, German and Korean! Here’s the official channels of them. 🇺🇸 🇪🇦 🇹🇷 🇷🇺 🇨🇳 🇩🇪 🇰🇷

English 🇺🇸    / @tayo  
Spanish 🇪🇦    / @tayoelpequeñoautobús  
Turkish 🇹🇷    / @tayoturkey  
Russian 🇷🇺
   / @tayorussian  
Chinese 🇨🇳    / @tayochinese  
German 🇩🇪    / @tayodeutsch  
Korean 🇰🇷 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxUZ...
German 🇩🇪   / @tayodeutsch  


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