The Zephyr Song (Subscriber Collaboration) - Red Hot Chili Peppers

Описание к видео The Zephyr Song (Subscriber Collaboration) - Red Hot Chili Peppers

To enter the 'Hey' Collaboration:
1. Record your parts at 123bpm. Please try to use a metronome or click track, but don't include the metronome in the audio.
2. Send your video and audio (together, or separately) to [email protected] by the 16th of December.
3. Let me know what your name is and your Instagram / YouTube handle.
4. Don't forget you can play any instrument, or any part of the song!
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To enquire about mixing services please email [email protected].

Para participar en la colaboración "Hey":
1. Graba tus partes a 117 bpm. Intenta usar un metrónomo pero no incluyas el metrónomo en el audio.
2. Envía tu video y audio (juntos o por separado) a [email protected] antes del 16 de diciembre.
3. Házmelo saber cuál es tu nombre y tu Instagram/YouTube.
No olvides que puedes tocar cualquier instrumento o cualquier parte de la canción!

#Thezephrsong #bytheway #redhotchilipeppers


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