Too Much Money - Full Video

Описание к видео Too Much Money - Full Video

Can there really ever be Too Much Money? Yes! When governments keep printing money without backing, reducing the purchasing power of your money; when the price of almost everything goes up, it’s because government has inflated the money supply. That’s inflation. At its most extreme, inflation can destroy economies, leaving money practically worthless. It happened in Spain in the 16th and 17th centuries, in 1777 during the American Revolution, in Germany after WW I, and in Bolivia in 1985. When and where might it happen next?

Too Much Money covers numerous educational standards across several subject areas including ELL, Media/Technology, Language Arts, and Social Studies for Grades 7-12. To learn more about this educational program, and which standards it covers specific to your grade, subject area, and which standards your district is using, visit our educational program summary section for this video here:

Subject Areas:
■ Business
■ Civics
■ Economics
■ Family & Consumer Science
■ Geography
■ Government
■ Mathematics
■ Technology
■ U.S. History
■ World History

■ 20th Century Latin America
■ American Revolution
■ Colonial Expansion
■ Economic History
■ European History
■ Monetary Policy
■ Money and inflation
■ Trade
■ World War I

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