2.2.3 Equine Neck & Scapula Joints Muscles. Horse Saddle Rider Course Kinetic Anatomy Evaluation

Описание к видео 2.2.3 Equine Neck & Scapula Joints Muscles. Horse Saddle Rider Course Kinetic Anatomy Evaluation

When evaluating the horse, saddle, rider combination it is important to understand the muscles, joints, their positions and function in order to be able to perform simple tests on them. This presentation covers the lower neck muscles which have insertions on the thorax and scapulae, and how to test them for asymmetry.

The next kinetic anatomy presentation will cover the thoracic and lumbar back muscles and joints.

This film is from a series of Kinetic Anatomy presentations by UK based Veterinary Physiotherapist, graduate Sports Therapist and MSFC saddle fitter, Caroline Lindsay, on the topic of evaluation of the horse saddle and rider combination as part of an online and a conventional 'in person' course. Saddle fit checking, compensatory gait and improving rider stability will be at the centre of this course as it builds towards an accredited qualification. Separate modules may be taken to extend the interests of various equine paraprofessionals and to ultimately get the horse all the professional attention it needs to overcome saddle and rider issues.

The course will launch at the end of the year and will cover the issues encountered by the equine paraprofessional in the horse, saddle and rider as a combination so that they may optimise their professional input by evaluating the horse saddle rider combination as a whole unit.

A textbook is being prepared to accompany this course.

Contact Caroline Lindsay at the HorseSaddleRider.com website to be added to the Facebook group detailing full information of this unique new accessible and flexible on and offline course for equine paraprofessionals and competition riders


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