Most unique events in Kyoto, Japan: Hidden 88 Pilgrimage & Cosplayers

Описание к видео Most unique events in Kyoto, Japan: Hidden 88 Pilgrimage & Cosplayers

We joined the unique event in Kyoto.
After the experience, we felt very refreshed, and highly recommend for everyone who want to try authentic Japanese culture!

Event details are below.

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0:00-0:52 Opening
0:53-1:09 Bonsho
1:10-02:32 1st Temple: Ryozenji
02:33-03:37 2nd Temple: Gokurakuji
03:38-04:32 6th Temple: Anrakuji
04:33-06:10 Write our wishes
06:11-07:43 Gomataki Event
07:44-08:16 Introducing some goods
08:17-09:42 Interview cosplayers
09:43-10:51 Interview founder of this project
10:52-11:29 Ending

#kyoto #kyototravel #traveljapan #japan #japantravel


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