"Yoga Board" Kosha 1: Annamaya- Physical Body: LauraGyoga

Описание к видео "Yoga Board" Kosha 1: Annamaya- Physical Body: LauraGyoga

This video talks about our #yogaboard for the first of the 5 Koshas. The Koshas are the layers of the body that make up our existance. The first layer being annamaya kosha or the food body. Everything we eat, drink and do has an impact on the physical aspect of our being.


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Yoga MUSIC Playlists: (special music mixes for each yoga practice!)
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/user/1291821362

Laura G.

Occupational Therapist
200 Hour Registered Yoga Teacher
Licensed Massage Therapist
Certified Lymphedema Therapist
Yoga Therapist

My LIVE CLASS: Hummingbird Yoga in Linwood NJ
www.Hummingbirdyoganj.com Monday & Wednesday 6:30 Yoga Focus

YOGA FOCUS is about learning the foundations of yoga. Each week we have a different focus that I write on the “Yoga Board” (the large white board that you will see in these videos). The weekly topics build on each other so that you get a real understanding of what the COMPLETE practice of yoga consists of- not just practicing postures (asana).

The yoga practices that we do are gentle, slow flows with a therapeutic focus.
We will also talk about ways to take your yoga practice off of your mat to fully embrace the yoga lifestyle!

Practice Yoga = Change your Life!!

#yoga #yogaboard #lauragyoga #tinyhouseyogini #stellathetinyhouse #realyoga #wallyoga #yogafocus

** I am currently writing my first book: “Yoga Therapy at the Wall” - due to be completed in the summer of 2017!! **

Yoga Therapy Evaluation & Treatment at Body In Balance, Linwood NJ:

Online Yoga Therapy and Yoga Consultation through Skype...coming soon...check the website!


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