Surprising My Daughter With Her Own Movie *Emotional*

Описание к видео Surprising My Daughter With Her Own Movie *Emotional*

My daughter Salish and her best friend Nidal have an unlimited credit card to spend for Valentine's Day, while I use the day to make an emotional movie about their friendship. Meanwhile, Brent Rivera and Pierson have only $1 to spend on their date.

See Brent babysit Salish:    / @brentrivera  
See Nidal give Salish a Valentines present:    • Buying My BEST FRIEND The ULTIMATE VA...  

Huge thanks to American Luxury Limo! Check them out at

Salish & Me:    / @jordanmatter  
Salish vlogs:    / @salishmatter  
Nidal:    / @nidalwonderofficial  
Brent:    / @brentrivera  
Pierson:    / @pierson  

I Made a VALENTINE'S MOVIE For My Daughter
$1 vs $10,000 VALENTINE'S DAY Not a Date
Surprising My Daughter With Her Own Movie Emotional

FOLLOW ME:   / saysaymatter  

Subscribe to my Photo Challenges channel to see FATHER VS DAUGHTER:    / @jordanmatterphotochallenges  


Business Inquiries: [email protected]

Video by Sandy Chase

Music licensed through Artlist and Epidemic Sound

Wow, if you're still reading you are awesome! BOOOMMMM!!


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