Kodo: The Art of Japanese Incense

Описание к видео Kodo: The Art of Japanese Incense

Kodo is an ancient Japanese incense ceremony, in which participants must detect subtle similarities between different mixtures of incense. This elusive and eclectic game is little-known even in Japan, and due to its great expense, has been practiced by a few rich and initiated. "Kodo: The Art of Japanese Incense" offers a rarely-seen glimpse of this ancient ceremony and provides historical background and a brief summary of the tradition of contemporary Japanese incense culture. This 12-minute film offers a poetic, musical and contemplative look at this most intangible and invisible world of aromatic pleasures. Much like jazz, the two-hour long Kodo ceremony is more about the rhythm of spaces rather than the activity itself, and as such, it seems to be almost suspended in time. As we rush into the 21st century, post-industrial societies become progressively aware of the hectic pace, rapid consumerism, quick changes and distractions of modern life. Realizing it, more and more people connect with activities which help them to slow down, relax their bodies, clear their minds, and to realize that no matter how fast they move and progress, time can not be overcome. Incense and perfumes affect our brain in a most direct way and olfactory sensations are more important for our survival than any other. They enable us to increase our concentration, attain balance with our inner selves, to search for harmony with others and eventually with ourselves.

Directed and Produced by Janus Avivson


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