Giving Feedback - Book Excerpt from Behavioral Karma: The 5 Scientific Laws of Life & Leadership

Описание к видео Giving Feedback - Book Excerpt from Behavioral Karma: The 5 Scientific Laws of Life & Leadership

Karma has been described as a cosmic law or soul's evolution that produces energy. Now, to our knowledge, there is no scientific evidence that supports the existence of either of these. But there are the laws of human behavior and a science that supports that thoughts, words, and actions do have a cause and effect. That is, your behavior and the behavior of others produce consequences that directly impact the likelihood that you or others will engage in that behavior again. Whether it's rising out of bankruptcy, handling a divorce/separation, being a great parent, teaching a classroom, leading a work team, or building a business from scratch as an entrepreneur, we used 5 scientific laws rooted in the science of human behavior to consistently achieve valued outcomes in life and leadership.

We have been fortunate enough to use science to help thousands of children with disabilities, parents, students, educators, managers, and leaders achieve various valued outcomes. From turning around failing schools and developing champion athletes to building and leading an organization from zero to eight $ figures, we have always been passionate about helping people. Given that we are armed with what we believe to be the most powerful toolbox in the world for improving performance and helping people reach desired outcomes, we feel we cannot go wrong in sharing the 5 powerful laws and supportive behavior hacks outlined in this book for improving life and leadership. Readers may have read other leadership or self-help books they consider excellent. Or in some cases they may actually be confused because the messages across these books are contradictory. Behavioral Karma will help readers understand what's at the root of excellence or clear up these contradictions as the principles outlined are at the core of all leadership and self-help.

While karma may not be real, the behavior science behind Behavioral Karma certainly is. And it is highly effective and will make an immediate and lasting difference in anybody's life, anywhere, anytime. In fact, the book is already having a positive impact and has hit the #1 Best Seller's list on Amazon. Please see our 5-star rating and what the readers are saying. We are currently having our book translated into audible and Spanish while leveraging our 350,000 connections across social media as we are on a mission to bring our book to the entire world.

Brett DiNovi is a BCBA and CEO of the largest award-winning behavioral consulting group of its kind on the East Coast. Brett is published in the prestigious Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis and received numerous honors including the distinguished "Top Ranked U.S. Executives" award. Dr. Paul Paulie Gavoni is an expert in human performance, coaching, and organizational leadership who has turned around failing schools and coached professional MMA champions to world titles. He is also an author who has written and published extensively, including two other best sellers. Brett and Paulie have both served as consultants, university instructor, expert witnesses, and guest lecturers at numerous universities and conferences.


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