Brie Larson Receives 2018 Women In Film Crystal Award

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On Wednesday, June 13, 2018, Women In Film celebrated the 2018 Crystal + Lucy Awards, honoring forward-thinking women of the film industry. Accepting the 2018 Crystal Award for Excellence in Film, Brie Larson praised WIF's inclusive press line during her speech and called for gender and racial inclusivity amongst film critics in order to squash implicit biases and support films made by underrepresented groups.

Women In Film is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting equal opportunities for women, encouraging creative projects by women, and expanding and enhancing portrayals of women in all forms of global media.

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Given that women comprise 50 percent of the population, WIF’s ultimate goal is to see the same gender parity reflected on and off screen. Founded in 1973, WIF focuses on advocacy and education— provides scholarships, grants, and film finishing funds—and works to preserve the legacies of all women working in the entertainment community.


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